Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Its too friggin hot out


We love it.
Holy Shit, Arizona

I'm kidding. I along with most people (Assumption) are not fans of the California heat. It's hot, horribly hot, you can almost fry an egg on the ground hot. Your cars hot, the seats hot, and don't even get me started on the steering wheel....
Rudy Francisco on Twitter: "There are places where it's so hot ... Going to summer class (2019 colorized).

The average human temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celsius for everyone else.  That is the average though and everyone does have a different base core temperature. Our body regulates our temperature by our sweat glands in our skin. When our brain sense the body is becoming too hot it sends water through the sweat glands. The our sweat evaporates it cools the body down.

Fun Fact: Men generally sweat more than women.

An Introduction to Thermodynamics.. I. Thermodynamics A branch of ...
Now it is much easier for us to sweat and better control our body temperatures in more dry weather. (Like our nice west coast [best coast] heat).

Did you Know?
Women have more sweat glands than men do, however mens are more active.

People that are larger in size need to sweat more than smaller people in order to get the same cooling effect.

Some places have a higher level of humidity. Problems can occur when the sweat produced from our sweat glands cannot evaporate. This can lead to heat related illnesses.
Too Damn High Meme - Imgflip (If you know, you know.)

Time for me to drop some medical K N O W L E D G E.

Faith In Humanity Terminated by kr0ltad - Meme Center

When the body's core temperature changes it can lead to hyperthermia or hypothermia. Hyperthermia is when the body's core temperature goes above 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit. With an increase of core body temperature it can lead to the following.....

As temperatures rise, beware of heat exhaustion and heat stroke

Now on a serious note, as an EMT I cannot stress this enough. When you are outside doing physical activities or its expected to be a hot day out. Drink water. A lot of water. Keep your body hydrated. Replenish lost electrolytes. Eat light meals and snacks. Looking at the assignment module it talks about how more Americans die each year in heat related illnesses rather than cold ones. As an EMT in Souther California I can attest that I have dealt with too many medical emergencies that were caused by heat.

Stay hydrated. Stay informed. Know the signs of heat related illnesses. 

Back to our regularly scheduled program... - YouTube

There are many ways our society has gotten around this heat. Like going to a cooler climate for vacation, hanging out in bodies of water like pools, rivers, lakes, and oceans. There is also Air Conditioning Units in both buildings and vehicles. Now as air conditioning units go there are the main air conditioning set up which removes humidity. This is best A/C for the more humid climates. Learn Engineering does a great job of explaining how an Air Conditioner works so I would highly recommend checking their video out here:

The second main version of an Air Conditioner is a Swamp Cooler or evaporative cooler.

How Does A Swamp Cooler Work?

The one main thing with swamp coolers is that it is using evaporation to cause a cooling effect. Therefor it is best used in non humid environments (Like Southern California, Nevada, or Arizona).

An interesting fact on an article I found while researching this post.
A study was conducted on the Aborigines population in Australia and the Bantus population in Africa have slower perspiration rate than acclimated and non-acclimated white people.

In closing Humans have had thousands of years to acclimate to the hot temperatures we experience today. With improvements in technology we have been able to bring temperatures down in places that we frequent or live, to make it more comfortable for us. Sweat is a great thing but we must replenish what is lost through it in order to keep ourselves healthy.

As always, look out for each other, care for one another, and stay safe.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

So I went paddle boarding with a kayak paddle the other day....

 This was an interesting experiment to say the least. 
How the language you speak at work affects future company strategy ...
For this experiment I recruited the help from my sister. After explaining that we couldn't use any symbolic languages which included not just speaking or talking but ASL as well which we both know (her a lot more than I). We then started on the journey of trying to communicate. I think I was more in charge of the conversation at first as I tried to explain some up coming plans I have for next week or trying to show her a show I was watching. Both were pretty hard to do as we tried not to use any symbolic languages. As I tried to explain using somewhat vague body movements we struggled with the conversation. After the time was up we then went back and explained what we were trying to say which was pretty funny in itself.

Family Guy - Season 16 Episode 10 - Rotten Tomatoes Actual picture of me trying to talk without using symbolic language. (speaking, writing, ASL.)

As far as different cultures with one that can convoy symbolic language compared to one that can't I do believe it is easier to express language that may be more complex. I think the culture that can use more complex languages can help convey more ideas to their population at lest much quicker than a culture that cannot.
How to Overcome Language Barriers When Hosting Global Events ...

We then shifted into the second portion of the experiment. Now I know most people use their hands and facial expressions to help convey what they say. For the second part of this experiment my sister and I tried to talk to one another with as motion as possible with no body or hand motions and it was also a pretty interesting result. Even though it was easier to communicate ideas and thoughts as well as just talking. It was more difficult to explain things. It was also a little bit harder to stay in character. Looking back I think signs like hand motions, and body motions help us explain whats being said. Different cultures have different symbols or movements when talking to others. I believe reading body language is very important to know as it can help you understand who you are dealing with. Some people may talk with their body motions more than others. Body motions can also help when someone is trying to talk to you and you both have limited knowledge of the other persons language so with that language barrier their could be more gestures put in.

6 Useful Chinese Gestures to Know Before Traveling Abroad 
Common hand signals in America

I think there is a certain time when body signals can be deceiving. I believe that when someone is being deceptive their body language can shift giving the reader bad information. 
deception-concept-disguise-between-shark-and-goldfish-picture ... As we see here this innocent looking creature may not be a goldfish at all. 

In closing even though both of these experiments were some what short they have shown me how important it is to understand one another. Being able to express feelings, ideas, or commands to one another has helped pushed not just our society but our species forward to where we are today and well into the future. 

ymca-picarms_600pxwide - YMCA of Greater Nashua Another set of hand and body gestures known in the United States and possibly even the world.

(I think you all know)


(And yes its possible to paddle board with a kayak paddle..... I just would not recommend it)

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tin Foil Ha... Piltdown Hoax

For as long as there has been humans there has been hoaxes. Some of those hoaxes include Orson Welles' broadcast of the classic horror novel "War of the Worlds", which lead many Americans to panic thinking that the world as they knew it was coming under attack by mars invaders. The iconic "Helicopter Shark" which shows a Great White leaping from out of the water towards a soldier hanging from a ladder off of USAF helicopter in front of the Golden Gate Bridge. Even charging one's iPhone with an onion or a microwave.

The War of the Worlds panic was a myth
Helicopter Shark - Wikipedia

There is one hoax however that shook the scientific community to its core, and no its not the Patterson-Gimlin Film (Sadly).
Cowboy behind legendary Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film marks 50th ...

The year is 1912 in the small English village of Piltdown. Charles Dawson, an amateur archeologist, claimed to have found a piece of an ancient human skull. With other findings in the pit that lead to the thought of the findings being over one million years old. It was a huge spectacle as no ancient human remains have been found in Great Britain. After further interest was found in the pit, Charles discovered a jaw that seemed to be apart of the skull fragment he had found earlier. The jaw bone finding was especially intriguing as it was a primate jawbone, however it had the wear down of human teeth which were flat. Now this was a HUGE deal to say the least as finding a jaw bone that was a million years old. This helped show that there could have been more steps in the evolutionary process between apes and humans.

Solving the Piltdown Man crime: how we worked out there was only ... - What was found in the Pit by Charles Dawson.

Fun Fact: Charles Dawson specialized in fish fossils.

Charles Dawson - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia - Charles Dawson.

Arthur Keith was one of Charles Dawson's biggest supporters, as Dawson's findings helped Keith's theory that humans had to develop a big brain before they could walk up right. The findings found much public praise however it is thought there were doubters of the authenticity of the remains, they more than likely did not speak up in fear of backlash.

Charles Dawson passed away in 1916 from a Sepsis infection.

                                            Fast forward - Wikipedia

FAST FORWARD: Its the 1920's; the League of Nations was created to prevent a second world war, America banned alcohol, the Ponzi Scheme was invented, AND scientist from Asia and Africa have discovered more ancient human remains. These ancient human remains were dated to be hundreds of thousands of years younger than Piltdown Man's yet they looked less human.

Chronology Two types of fossil dating are shown in this picture.

Post World War Two would lead to new fossil dating technology. In 1949 a test was conduced on the Piltdown fossils and it was discovered they were only one hundred thousand years old if that. In 1953 with further advancements in technology scientist discovered that the stains on the bone were superficially placed. While looking at the teeth of Piltdown Man they found traces of scratch marks from an object used to file the teeth down. Finally they were able to get an exact fossil date. The jaw line of the Pitdown Man was less than 100 years old and came from an orangutan.

Scientist were stunned as to why and who would do such a thing. Prior to Piltdown Man scientist were seen in high regard as truth seekers and professionals. The main corporate was Dawson himself, now there is conflicting remarks on how involved he was in the scheme but most agree he was involved to a degree. There seems to be a very cut and clean motive too. For someone to find a skull like Piltdown Man it would lead to a high prestige and honor along with some fame.

The jig was up, Dawson was found to have falsified more than two dozen other archeological finds.

I believe when a persons self interests or pride gets in the way of their work too much it can lead to skews in their research whether on purpose or accidental due to oversight. As it showed with Mr. Dawson his wanting of prestige may have caused him to falsify records which has left a scar on the scientific community. I also believe that there is always a chance that someone can have their pride or the interest of another take over their work and cause falsifications in their findings. One great way to counter balance this is having others in the scientific community test and retest those hypothesis and communicate their findings, especially in this day in age. 

Overall I was interested with this ordeal as I have never heard of the Piltdown Man before or the hoax surrounding it, however I was not surprised to it happening as it seems people throughout history have caused hoaxes whether to cause their personal gain, fame or fortune.
Boy trapped in balloon above Colorado, Found alive was hiding the ...

Stay Safe.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day 45 of Quarantine

After Keiko from Free Willy was freed, he turned up in Norway and ...                Adult Average Joe's Costume - Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story ...

Humans and whales are much more alike than we may think. Whales and humans are both mammals amongst other things. Interestingly enough scientist have been able to find an 80 million year old mouse like creature that links the two mammals together.

Is this shrew-like creature with a taste for insects one of our ...- An artist rendition of our possible ancestor.
  That being said we do share some same bone structures with our seafaring relatives, one might say its Homologous.
HOMOLOGOUS STRUCTURES  Our humorous bone, the dark brown bone on this picture is also shared with whales even though it is a different size. We also share our ulna and radius bones structure. An interesting fact I found out is that the ulna, radius, and humerus bones are all fused together in a whale. Compare that to ours where we have our elbow which can cause us to move our arms more freely. Another major difference between our bones and the whales is the size of our phalanges or finger bones.

dolphin                                       The messed up true story behind Jaws

I decided to compare the Analogous traits of the shark and the dolphin. They are both aquatic animals however the dolphin is a aquatic mammal and the shark is a fish. A shark can stay underwater indefinitely as they have fins that can filter oxygen out of the water in which they live while dolphins must return to the air to breath as they use their blowhole on top of their head to transfer oxygen into their lungs. They both have fins and tail fins that propel them through the water however they both function in different ways. Using the pictures below we can see just how different they look from one another.
Know a dolphin's body parts                           Shark anatomy - Wikipedia
The dolphin's tail or "flukes" are horizontal in nature and go in an up and down motion to push the dolphin through the water. Compare that to the shark which has a caudal fin which is vertical in nature and goes from side to side propelling the large carnivorous fish through the water. Sharks and Dolphins both have fins, more specifically they both have Dorsal fins and they do pretty much the same thing. The dorsal Fin is a stabilizer for both creatures, it helps make sure they don't turn over or upside down while they're swimming. The fins however are built differently.

How to tell if a fin above the water belongs to a shark or dolphin ... The illustration to the left shows the difference between the two Dorsal fins. The dolphins is much more curved like a boomerang while the shark is more like a triangle with one straight edge in the rear. So if you're ever at the beach and look into the ocean hopefully this will help you in identifying some cool marine wildlife!

Thanks for tuning in this week!

Some Informational Links for all you cool cats and kittens


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Charles Lyell

Charles Lyell

Charles Lyell helped influence Darwin by coming up with theories on how the earth, or more specifically the Earths crust changed over time rather than by rapid large events. This further lead to Darwin being inspired by him and seeing how changes occur in nature overtime to adapt to the changes in the surrounding environment. I do think Charles Darwin needed Charles Lyell's work to help further his ideas on natural selection in fact it seems Darwin was very heavily influenced by Lyell. It took Darwin 23 years to publish his work as he knew it would be great risk to his career.

A Source Link:

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Well I thought that before I post anything else on here I would talk about myself. I currently work as an Emergency Medical Technician. I have lived in California all my life and I love to travel, camp and explore when possible. I also have a 2005 F-250 with the Power Stroke V8 Diesel engine and it is my baby. I also like to work on it when I can (Insert Ford joke here).
